When looking for new blinds, something you will want to consider is the light gap between the fabric and your window frame. When the blind is mounted inside your window frame you want this light gap to be as small as possible to provide privacy, improve insulation, and reduce UV rays penetrating into the room.
You may be surprised to learn there can be a big difference around what is available.
At UB we use Acmeda components. One of the reasons why we love using Acmeda is they offer the smallest light gaps in the industry.
So just how small are the light gaps? When choosing our chain driven blinds the light gap on the chain end is only 15mm while the idle end of the blind has a light gap of just 14mm.
If you have decided to go with our wire free motors to control your blinds then the light gap on the motor end is only 13mm while the idle end of the blind has a light gap of just 14mm
If you have larger windows then you may choose one of our linked blind systems where you can mount multiple blinds in the same window. Each of these blinds use a joiner bracket that not only allows you to control each blind independently or as a set but also reduces the light gap to just 17mm.
You don’t need to worry about these figures when ordering your new blinds. Just give us your inside frame measurements and we will make the necessary deductions for you.
If you want to reduce the light even further then your best bet is to go for an outside fit blind. You will still get a small gap between the fabric and the window fame / wall but it should block out up to 99% of the light when using a fabric from our Vibe Block Out range. You will get similar results with our thermal range of fabrics as well.
When choosing new blinds we think light gaps are important and on this occasion smaller is actually better.